Los Increíbles Líquidos Iónicos: Síntesis y Caracterización


Durante el webinar gratuito, la Dra. Clarissa P. Frizzo de la Universidade Federal de Santa Maria en Brasil hablará sobre cómo se puede sintetizar y caracterizar nuevos líquidos iónicos y cómo funcionan sus propiedades físicas, como la tensión superficial, la viscosidad, la densidad, la estabilidad térmica y la fuerza de interacción catión-anión. Regístrese hoy para aprender sobre las propiedades de los tensioactivos, lubricantes, emulsionantes propiedades biológicas tales como citotoxicidad y actividad antimicrobiana.

28 de septiembre a las 13:00 horas (CDT)

Actividad sin costo.

Cupo limitado



*En los webinars en colaboración no se entregan constancias de asistencia.

Lo Que El Público Aprenderá

  • Qué son líquidos iónicos 
  • Cuales son las propriedades físicas de líquidos iónicos y como se caracterizan 
  • Qué es la aplicación de líquidos iónicos en la biolubricación.


Clarissa P. Frizzo, MSc, PhD. Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry. Federal University of Santa Maria, UFSM (Santa Maria, Brazil).

Clarissa P. Frizzo was born in Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil, in 1983. She received her undergraduate degree in Pharmacy from the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM) in 2005. In 2007, C. P. Frizzo obtained her M.Sc. degree, working with the use of ionic liquids in the synthesis of heterocycles; and in 2010, she received her Ph.D. degree, working with the supramolecular structure of heterocycles. Both of her titles are from UFSM under the guidance of Professor Marcos A. P. Martins. During her Doctorate, she complemented her studies at UNED/Madrid in Spain, working with Professor Rosa Claramunt. Currently C. P. Frizzo is an Assistant Professor at UFSM and her scientific production includes 47 articles, 2 reviews in Chemical Reviews and 3 book chapters; with h-index of 9. She is reviewer of 15 international journals, and advisor at the Chemistry Graduate Program (PPGQ) at UFSM (which has the highest educational score per CAPES evaluation). She has graduated 2 M.Sc students, and is currently supervising 1 M.Sc student, 1 Ph.D student and 5 undergraduate students. The research interests of C. P. Frizzo are centered in heterocyclic chemistry with special emphasis in the development of synthetic green procedures, use of ionic liquids, solvent-free procedures, and the study of molecular structure and supramolecular organic compounds.


Dra. Ingrid Montes
Profesora, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Río Piedras y Junta Directiva, ACS.

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