1. Webinar – SQM James Kouffman

“How to Convince Others (that safety is important and that you’re serious about it)”

Dr. James A. Kaufman, The Laboratory Safety Institute (LSI)A Nonprofit Educational Organization for Safety in Science, Industry, and Education.

Dra. Clara Rosalia Álvarez Chávez, Universidad de Sonora


Horario: 23 de septiembre, 10:30 a 12:00 CDT (tiempo CDMX) conferencia online

Registro Online:https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2508284399974669070


La Conferencia online es gratuita, las constancias digitales de participación tiene costo:

– Socios vigentes 2020 de la SQM: Sin costo (solicitarla al finalizar el seminario al correo [email protected]) Tiempo máximo de solicitud 24 horas una vez terminada la conferencia, no se hacen constancias fuera de tiempo.

-No socios de la SQM: $150.00 m.n (Solicitarla con 24 antes y/o después del inicio/fin de la conferencia)

Resumen de la charla

Throughout the world, this is the most frequently asked question. The answer is simple and, for the most part, inexpensive. The short answer is to create a more effective lab safety program.

This interesting and entertaining one-hour presentation provides an overview of some of 33 critical program elements. It confronts one of the more common excuses for not having or improving the lab safety program … “it costs too much.” This is simply not true. Excellent lab safety programs do not need to cost large amounts of money.

Participants learn how to convince others by creating a more effective lab safety program (without a purchase order or requisition). You don’t want to miss this opportunity for a highly informative, worthwhile and enjoyable learning experience.

Here’s a unique opportunity to take a look at your lab safety program to see how you’re doing and how you can do it even better. The participants will receive the Laboratory Safety Institute’s (LSI) lab safety program review checklist with 33 components. You will learn how to use this checklist to evaluate your program both qualitatively and quantitatively. The result is a simple, clear, low/no cost path for lab safety program development and improvement. And, with courage, you can score your program on a scale of zero to 100!

Objectives …

Learn how to …

1. Grow the Culture of Safety

2. Make the Safety Program More Effective

3. Increase participation and compliance with safety policies and, rules, and regulations


PS. “There’s more to lab safety than just labs!”


Experto Dr. James A. Kaufman, The Laboratory Safety Institute (LSI)A Nonprofit Educational Organization for Safety in Science, Industry, and Education.

Dr. James Kaufman is President Emeritus of The Laboratory Safety Institute (LSI) and former Professor of Chemistry and EHS Director at Curry College. He received his bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Tufts University and his doctorate in organic chemistry from Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI).

After two years as a post-doctoral fellow in the WPI Chemical Engineering Department converting garbage into fuel oil, Dr. Kaufman joined the Dow Chemical Company’s New England Research Laboratory as a Process Research Chemist. During his four years with Dow, he became increasingly involved in laboratory safety related activities. He authored “Laboratory Safety Guidelines”. Originally distributed by Dow, now over six million copies (in 21 languages) of the widely requested and reprinted brochure are in circulation.

Dr. Kaufman is the founder (1977) of The Laboratory Safety Institute – an international, non-profit center for safety in science and science education. LSI’s educational programs, services, and publications help both academic and non-academic institutions throughout the world. Over 100,000 scientists and science educators in 30 countries from 135 different types of labs have attended these courses and presentations. Grants from individuals, foundations, companies and professional societies provide support for LSI.

LSI conducts seminars, short courses, webinars, program audits and lab inspections for schools, colleges, and companies. They also provide advice on regulatory compliance, safety program development, facilities design, editorial commentary on laboratory texts, and expert witness testimony.

Dr. Kaufman is a former, ten-year member of the American Chemical Society’s (ACS) Council Committee on Chemical Safety and is past-chairman of the 2,500-member ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety. He is the author-narrator of the ACS Audio Course on Laboratory Safety and editor of “Waste Disposal at Academic Institutions” from Lewis Publishers. He recorded and edited the “One-Day Laboratory Safety Audio Seminar” and “Two-Day Lab Safety Video Course.” He is a co-authored of “Safety Is Elementary: the new standard for safety in the elementary science classroom”. Most recently, he prepared one, two and three-day on-demand internet lab safety courses and a new two-day DVD video short course.

Dr. Kaufman is past-chair of the Safety in Science Education Committee of the International Council of Associations for Science Education (ICASE). Most recently, he was appointed to the Safety Committee of the ACS Division of Chemical Education and elected as a Fellow of the American Chemical Society Division of Chemical Health and Safety.

Modera: Dra. Clara Rosalia Álvarez Chávez, Profesor de Tiempo Completo, Depto. de Cs.Quimico-Biológicas. Universidad de Sonora

Es profesora titular C de tiempo completo de la Universidad de Sonora, adscrita al Departamento de Ciencias Químico-Biológicas y miembro del núcleo académico del posgrado en sustentabilidad de la Universidad de Sonora. Es Doctora en Ciencias, con área de concentración en producción más limpia y prevención de la Contaminación por la University of Massachusetts en Lowell, maestro en Ciencias por el Centro Investigaciones en Alimentación y Desarrollo y Químico Biólogo con especialidad en Tecnología de Alimentos por la Universidad de Sonora. Diseñó, implementó, coordinó y actualmente asesora el Programa Institucional de Salud y Seguridad Ambiental de la Universidad de Sonora (PISSA-UNISON).

Ha desarrollado investigación para la gestión sustentable de sustancias químicas en diversos sectores, en la eliminación del mercurio en el sector salud y académico, accidentalidad en laboratorios académicos, factores humanos y riesgos de trabajo, sustentabilidad de materiales.

Autora y coautora de artículos publicados en revistas científicas nacionales e internacionales, libros y capítulos de libros. Ha dirigido tesis de licenciatura y posgrado y he participado como ponente en eventos naciones e internacionales. He dirigido proyectos de vinculación para el reciclaje de residuos eléctricos y electrónicos en el estado de Sonora.

Integrante del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, Nivel I del Conacyt. Miembro del Comité Técnico Consultivo en Materiales Peligrosos del Estado de Sonora y miembro de la División de Salud y Seguridad Química de la Sociedad Americana de Químicos (DCHAS-ACS). Imparte las clases de Seguridad y Cuidado del Medio Ambiente, Seminario Taller, Sustentabilidad en la Industria Alimentaria, Reducción de Uso de Tóxicos, Materiales y Residuos Peligrosos, Ciencias Blandas de la Sustentabilidad (modalidad virtual) a nivel licenciatura y posgrado. Imparte cursos de capacitación a profesionistas sobre seguridad y manejo de materiales y residuos peligrosos desde hace más de 25 años. Certificada por CONOCER en el estándar de impartición de cursos de capacitación y de manejo de residuos peligrosos.


Formas de pago:

A. EN VENTANILLA BANCARIA. A nombre de la Sociedad Química de México, A.C., en la cuenta de INBURSA 50037149658, en la cuenta de cheques de IXE-BANORTE 0278344310

B. TRANSFERENCIA ELECTRÓNICA. Por depósito interbancario a la cuenta INBURSA CLABE: 036180500371496588, o a la cuenta de IXE-BANORTE, CLABE: 072180002783443102

C. EN LA TIENDITA OFICIAL DE LA SQM “ESPINSHOP” https://espinshop.sqm.org.mx/inicio/101-pago-constancias.html (tiene un costo extra por el uso de la plataforma)

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